Hepatitis Serology Blood Test

What is Hepatitis Serology ? 

Hepatitis serology (HepA, HepB, HepC) is a moderately intricate arrangement of tests to decide past disease, ebb and flow contamination, insusceptibility and infectivity identifying with the Hepatitis infections. These infections all influence the liver, yet act uniquely in contrast to one another. 

How is Hepatitis Serology performed ?

Hepatitis serology is a blood test which requires a couple of milliliters of blood from a vein. Any of the three regular hepatitis infections can be tried for separately – for instance just Hepatitis B serology – relying upon the purposes behind the test. 

When might you require Hepatitis Serology ? 

Hepatitis serology might be mentioned by your PCP for various reasons, including: 

Screening test to decide hepatitis status, for instance before labor, dialysis or a surgery 

Examination of jaundice (yellow skin or eyes) or unusual Liver Function Tests (LFTs) 

Checking resistance to Hepatitis B, for medical services laborers or those with word related (or non-word related) openness to body liquids with infective potential – eg a needlestick injury .

Hepatitis test serology clarified:- 

Hepatitis serology results will normally give a sign of past disease, just as flow contamination, and give a sign of resistance (antibodies) to future openness, on account of Hepatitis B. 

Translation of these outcomes can be very intricate, however the research center playing out the test generally gives a short remark or clarification on the report. 
Related Trained Professional:- 

• General Practitioner (GP) 

• Hepatologist 

• Gastroenterologist 

• General Physician 

• Gynecologist 

• Immunologist 

Irresistible Disease Physician:-

• Intensivist 

• Nephrologist 

• Obstetrician

World related Health Physician:-

• Pediatrician 

• Sexual Health Physician 

• Travel Medicine Physician 

Related Strategies:-

• Related strategies 

• Blood Test (phlebotomy) 

• Dialysis 

• Tissue Biopsy 

Related Testes 

• Liver Function Tests 

• Coagulation Profile 

• HIV Test 

• Rubella Serology 

• Syphilis Test 

• Stomach CT 

• Stomach Ultrasound Scan 

• Urinalysis 

• Hepatitis screening 

• Hepatitis Antibodies 

•Hepatitis infection test

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.


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